A charitable organization providing families, parents, and caregivers with resources to help improve the family's experience during a child's difficult hospital stay.
Babygirl Foundation
The Babygirl Foundation is a Maine based nonprofit that was established in 2019 after the passing of our daughter. The mission of the Babygirl Foundation is to ease the burden on families during an unexpected hospital stay. We are doing this through what we call the "Parents Closet". This initiative was created by the Babygirl Foundation in the fall of 2019 in Addison's honor. Our hope is that families who have unexpected or unplanned hospitalizations will be able to receive some much needed comforts from home so that they can be at their best as a caregiver.

"This amazing resource is so fantastic to have at work! I've had parents so focused on their critically sick child that they left their house without SHOES and are now faced with being stuck in the hospital for days.
PICU Staff
"We are so grateful for the closet as it provided the simple items that were needed in the moment as we lived at the hospital for two weeks. Nail Clippers and blankets mean the world in a time like that and we are so grateful for the support."
NICU Family
"The parents are extremely grateful to be able to shower and put on different clothes than what they have been living in for the past 24 hours."